Aizaz Raza
1 min readDec 9, 2021


I contemplate that we are cursed with the modernity. If I consolidate my argument by saying that its a silent killer, it wouldn’t be wrong. As I observe, Its a downtrodden peril, in which we are all trapped. Modernity is what the subject that led the Michel Focult to relearn it- that something became an impetus to ingrain lessons from it.

Historical event, according to Focult, is a box of idea that must be examined and observed to achieve life-enhancing ideas rather than leaving such box untouched and unexplored. When Foucault tells about the rethinking of our own dynamics and pattern of processing, he really means to open ways for something progressive and delightful to humanity and world.He believes in the very notion that how modernity has killed the innermost of all of us.He, however, sees modernity impromptus, in which the contours of its dissemination are not set. They are uneven vaguely determined by the people in power. I somehow led myself to become agree on his very notion that after the 17th century, a new attitude was born which relentlessly made man to become more medicalised and institutionalised ill. I feel like the only retriever to override the ills of modernity is. indirectly connected to the past events of history.

I believe we must not look history as a series of certain isolated events; as lists of kings and popes, of wars and revolutions, disconnected from each other. Rather, for history, the gain must be limitless by looking at each development as a part of long historical process.

